Danger to Self and Others aka The Jeebies Are Here

The jeebies are here which means that Tremors can't sit still. We are sitting in separate areas to avoid injury. The way that would go is I would sit next to Tremors. Tremors would jeebie and hit my arm. Obviously that would cause a shoulder dislocation which luckily Tremors would fix when she hit my arm from the other side on the next jeebie.

This past month we have both done something completely ridiculous that any "normal" person would not have the opportunity to experience. Tremors was at the hospital receiving treatment which will be discussed in more depth in a later blog post. Tremors was in the bathroom and managed to jeebie and hit her head on the ONLY thing possible in the room. This who process from safe to stupid took under two minutes. Tremors was than confined to her bed by the treatment guru also known as Mom who also continuously laughed at her for the rest of treatment. Just to be clear treatment is three days long. As we all know as much as you hope you mom is wrong thats really just never the case.

My incident happened just this weekend in the  comfort of our dorm room... and no it was not caused by a jeebie. I missed this entire last week of school due to some medication complications which will be discussed in more depth in a later blog post. I was sitting trying to catch up on all my homework. Unfortunately I thought the best way to start would be do drink a lot of coffee and eat a lot of cake for the boost in energy and morale I desperately needed. While I got the boost in energy the morale did not come. This lead to the wee game where I sit in my chair and spin in circles going "WEEEEEE". Toward the end of my fifth or twelfth session of the day I pushed off of my bed frame and dislocated my ankle. My fellow suite mates threatened to take my chair away which I still don't understand because my ankle was a super cool color purple. Who doesn't love purple ... I do. Anyway my ankle is relocated and a cool shade of purple on day two but in the future maybe I should play something else. To be clear that is a firm MAYBE.

If you would like to turn your head or ankle a cool color ask us how we have ideas. You can do anything you set your mind to.

Tremors and Nemo

P.S. If you are wondering why I (Nemo) am always typing it is because Tremors can't type very well, but in her defense I can't write with a pencil very well so together we make a functional person.


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