Keep Calm and Fight Hydra
The topic for this post was given
to us as a suggestion from one of our readers. We are always looking for
suggestions because we want the blog to be about what people want to read
about. If you have a suggestion you can either leave a comment or send us an
email at
This week we are taking on how
people can be an ally. The world is not people with disabilities against people
that do not have disabilities. The reality is that in an ideal world there
would be no difference, we would not have to fight Hydra. If you are confused
Tremors has recently brainwashed me in to watching Agents of Shield, and yes
that is where we get the name Tremors from, but more importantly is where we
got our title. As you may have guessed if you watch Agents of Shield or any
Marvel movies our post might be slightly easier to follow but if not we are
going to explain. Sorry if you don’t watch and we end up giving you a new
First thing is that you need to
understand the different players in this complicated world. We (people with
disabilities) are inhuman which represent a small percentage of the population
that is different. Hydra are those who judge, put down, and create stigma
around having a disability. Shield represents allies; while they may not be
inhuman they are trying their best to understand. Then there is the rest of the world, they are
not shield or hydra
Currently we have been having some
trouble with Hydra. This is hard because they are powerful, mean, and very
clearly don’t care about people with disabilities. Sometimes when people in a
position of power don’t understand what having a disability means it cause you
to feel like there is no hope. It is always easy to give up walk away and never
give back but this lets the bad guys win.
One major issue that we have had
with Hydra is intentional sabotage. This means that the higher ups have made it
clear that we do not have a future or a place in society. We are not as good as
everyone else, even if we prove to be more productive. They are always waiting
for us to fail. We are essentially expendable. There are several problems with
Acting upon the hydra mentality is illegal
We are just as much people as anybody else
We may be “inhuman” but that does not make us
Nobody is perfect so who is to say what normal
even is
The main point is we are STRONG
and are going NOWHERE so do your worst
Now that we have taken care of Hydra we are here to tell
everybody else (which by the way we realize is most people) how to be a great
ally. One disclosure: Each person is different, if you want to know how to help
ask nicely like you would for any other person.
Join forces, stand with people that are being
treated as less than
Be inclusive, nobody likes inner agency conflict
Know that nobody is perfect but if you work
together each of you can be 1% of the larger solution
Don’t stare at people that you feel are
different, even if you don’t understand why know that it hurts like hell
People believe what they need to believe to
justify their actions but we are here to say that just because Hydra can
justify it does not make it justifiable.
We are not made of glass, we will not shatter,
as Inhumans we have already proven our power is greater than it seems, in some
ways its even more powerful than human.
What people with disabilities go through on a typical day
proves how strong we are. We do everything that everyone else does and more.
Sometimes we do it differently, sometimes it takes longer, and sometimes we use
our special adaptation powers but we are doing the best we can given who we
are. Nothing can be done to make us “normal” so we all have to learn to work
and live together.
Right now we are just two people
sitting in our room, but we know there is support for our cause out there. We
live with to other people who have proven over and over again that they are
true agents of Shield. We also have our family, that while best
intentioned they don’t understand the full capabilities of Hydra because they
are living in it. That being said our family members are always manning the
control center as backup in case anything goes wrong. True allies are the best resource,
we would not be where we are today without them. Even if you don’t know anybody
with chronic illness know that anybody and everybody has the ability to be an
We wanted to end this post by
giving a shout out to our biggest allies and if you are an ally to somebody WE
RESPECT YOU SO MUCH. My biggest allies are my sister, my mom, family friends, close
friends, and obviously Tremors. Tremors closes allies are her parents,
brothers, grandmother, close friends and Nemo.
Agents Nemo and Tremors
Disclaimer : We are not affiliated
with Marvel in any way and receive no monetary gain from writing this post. We
are just sharing our current Netflix obsession with you. It makes us happy.
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