Happy Thanksgiving everybody. While the holidays are a great time, for people with chronic illness there can be some additional complications with all of the activity going on. This week we are writing about things that every person with chronic illness is thankful for.

  1. A diagnosis- A diagnosis seems so small and insignificant to some, or those without a chronic illness.  However, a diagnosis allows for help, and it gives answers.  It puts a name to the symptoms.
  1. Having people around that understand- These people are AMAZING, they are the ones who understand what is happening and do not judge.  They are the people that are your rock, and you always know that they are in your corner.  
  1. A break to lie down once in awhile- Sometimes all you need are a few days to take it easy.  Even though there are downsides, and family activities may be too much at times, the break is needed.  Not having to get up to go to work/class allows for a breather.  

  1. Medication/Treatments (only the ones that actually help)- Ah, meds.  Medications aren’t always the best, but the ones that work (The ones without the nasty side effects) are amazing.  We are thankful for a few medications, but a big one for us is zofran.  Having no nausea is honestly the best thing ever.  Tremors is thankful for IVIG, because she currently looks like a functioning human being.  Nemo is thankful for her heart medication because it means no transplant for now.

  1. Doctors that listen and care- These doctors are rare.  They are the ones who see you as a human being and not a number, or case.  They know that you have a life and feelings.  (For more see previous post)

  1. Family- Family, while at times crazy, etc. are people that you want to be around.  

  1. Friends- sometimes nothing is better than a good friend. They are there for you during the bad times with a distraction or comfort and they are the first person you call during the good times because you know they are always up do something completely crazy and a ton of fun. .

  1. Nurses- Let’s be honest here, nurses are the ones who are in charge.  They are the ones who are with you every step of the way, and know that you are a human being and not a medical chart.  Nurses are amazing in every sense of the way.  Nurses have helped us through so many hard/difficult times, we want to say thank you to all nurses out there.  We respect them, and do not know where we would be without them.  
  1. Community support- it is important to be able to do things like see friends and go to school, but sometimes those things that seem mundane to most take a bit of extra planning for people with chronic illness.
  2. And finally… let's all be honest, even though doctors, nurses, diagnosis, and all the other stuff that goes along with chronic illness is important, there is NOTHING better than a day completely free of all medical stuff. A day to just relax and be free.


-Nemo and Tremors


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