
Showing posts from November, 2016

Girl in the Wheelchair

There are always places where you feel more comfortable showing who you truly are than others.  The two of us have no problem looking sick, or like we are having issues in the comfort of our dorm room.  However, in public we do not always want to be seen/labeled.  The label of “sick,” “disabled,” or “broken” follow us around whether we like it or not.  When your condition is invisible, or mostly hidden it can be easier to escape the labels some days.  But, there still are days when life decides to throw you a curveball.  Those are the days when everything seems to go wrong.  Those are the days when everyone is looking and whispering.  Those are the days when you look how you feel internally.  (Usually you look not so great)   For the most part my disability is invisible, or it was. I have gotten to the point where I need to be in a wheelchair part of the time. The first day that I was in a wheelchair it was so scary. I thought about ...


Happy Thanksgiving everybody. While the holidays are a great time, for people with chronic illness there can be some additional complications with all of the activity going on. This week we are writing about things that every person with chronic illness is thankful for. A diagnosis- A diagnosis seems so small and insignificant to some, or those without a chronic illness.  However, a diagnosis allows for help, and it gives answers.  It puts a name to the symptoms. Having people around that understand- These people are AMAZING, they are the ones who understand what is happening and do not judge.  They are the people that are your rock, and you always know that they are in your corner.   A break to lie down once in awhile- Sometimes all you need are a few days to take it easy.  Even though there are downsides, and family activities may be too much at times, the break is needed.  Not having to get up to go to work/class allows for a...

Thank You for Our Ribbons

There are always doctors that make a difference.  They are the ones who give the life changing diagnosis, the ones who understand and the ones who make everything seem a little clearer.  They are the doctors who realize that I have a life outside of the hospital. They understand the real reason I endure treatment after treatment, it is so I can live my life outside the hospital. These doctors have become more family than medical professional, the ones who know you TOO well, the one you can’t hide anything from.  This is a joint thank you to all of these individuals, the ones who always have our back.   Thank you, Thank you for being the doctor who tries to understand everything.  I know it can be difficult, I’m a one in a million (or more) case.  I know that doesn’t make it easy on you, because I know it sure isn’t easy to me.  You are the one who diagnosed me, the one who actually read the signs.  You are the one who listens to me ...

Making Spoonie Life Fun

When you have a chronic illness there are a lot of things that may seem weird to some.  The two of us have some things kept in our room that may seem odd to outsiders.  These include but are not limited to medications, wigs/wig heads, braces and various other medical devices.  Of course, we do not find these items to be weird, but we know that they are not “normal.” The Pulse Ox Game FUN FACT Nemo just bought a pulse ox monitor (it’s purple) and it has created a fun and exciting new game.  You see, there are times when we get really bored and we really do not want to do homework (ex. now).  That created the always fun and exciting pulse ox game.   HOW TO: Have Nemo put on the monitor and play one of the following modes MODES: CHALLENGE MODE: see if taking deep breaths can raise oxygen--the goal is to get oxygen above 93 ACTIVITY MODE: see the greatest distance in “normal” in heart rate and oxygen while performing daily tasks (Best/High ...

Keep Calm and Fight Hydra

The topic for this post was given to us as a suggestion from one of our readers. We are always looking for suggestions because we want the blog to be about what people want to read about. If you have a suggestion you can either leave a comment or send us an email at This week we are taking on how people can be an ally. The world is not people with disabilities against people that do not have disabilities. The reality is that in an ideal world there would be no difference, we would not have to fight Hydra. If you are confused Tremors has recently brainwashed me in to watching Agents of Shield, and yes that is where we get the name Tremors from, but more importantly is where we got our title. As you may have guessed if you watch Agents of Shield or any Marvel movies our post might be slightly easier to follow but if not we are going to explain. Sorry if you don’t watch and we end up giving you a new obsession. First thing is that you need to under...