A Brief Life Update
First off, we know we have been radio silent for an extended period of time. We apologize, but in our
defense we were trying to survive college. Add in a handful of medical problems, clinicals,
(attempting to have a) social life, and it gets busy. We are proud to report that our hard work during our
absence paid off. We are now both college graduates, we have a year until we get our master’s degrees,
and we are both at the moment doing as well as we can do medically. All in all, we are pretty happy with
where we are in our lives at the moment and decided that in our newly discovered free time we could
start up the blog.
defense we were trying to survive college. Add in a handful of medical problems, clinicals,
(attempting to have a) social life, and it gets busy. We are proud to report that our hard work during our
absence paid off. We are now both college graduates, we have a year until we get our master’s degrees,
and we are both at the moment doing as well as we can do medically. All in all, we are pretty happy with
where we are in our lives at the moment and decided that in our newly discovered free time we could
start up the blog.
A brief update on Nemo: It’s been a busy year. I have been through 12 surgeries in the past year
(mostly occurring between August-December of 2018) in order to place a feeding tube for gastroparesis.
Long story short, I now have a J-tube and receive medications and the majority of my food via J-tube.
If you are wondering why so many surgeries, I had around 10 or so failed GJ-tubes that would flipped into
my stomach. I have been able to travel to meet Abe’s trainers, which a great experience for both of us.
With that, I was also able to travel as a tubie, which let me tell you is an experience.
(mostly occurring between August-December of 2018) in order to place a feeding tube for gastroparesis.
Long story short, I now have a J-tube and receive medications and the majority of my food via J-tube.
If you are wondering why so many surgeries, I had around 10 or so failed GJ-tubes that would flipped into
my stomach. I have been able to travel to meet Abe’s trainers, which a great experience for both of us.
With that, I was also able to travel as a tubie, which let me tell you is an experience.
A brief update on Tremors: This year has tested both of us, and I’m very glad we got past it.
I have been pretty stable medically, however I have been going through testing for chronic hive for the
past few months. So, who knows what the cause of those are… On the plus side, life decided to throw
me a bone and my hair has started to return to the point where I may be able to have a pixie cut within
the next few weeks. I still have my infusions every 5 weeks, so thankfully that is still working.
I have been pretty stable medically, however I have been going through testing for chronic hive for the
past few months. So, who knows what the cause of those are… On the plus side, life decided to throw
me a bone and my hair has started to return to the point where I may be able to have a pixie cut within
the next few weeks. I still have my infusions every 5 weeks, so thankfully that is still working.
A brief update on Secret Agent Puppy: He’s a college graduate like the rest of us! Honestly, this
dog has more than earned his degree, and yes he did walk at graduation (his name was called too).
He’s been doing well and is loving life as a service dog. He is still our mascot for basically everything.
dog has more than earned his degree, and yes he did walk at graduation (his name was called too).
He’s been doing well and is loving life as a service dog. He is still our mascot for basically everything.
Now, we know that this is a brief overview of our last year. But don’t worry, we will go more in depth
over time in our blog posts. We can’t wait for you to hear all about our lives and we hope you enjoy our
over time in our blog posts. We can’t wait for you to hear all about our lives and we hope you enjoy our
-Nemo, Tremors & Secret Agent Puppy
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