A Brief Life Update
First off, we know we have been radio silent for an extended period of time. We apologize, but in our defense we were trying to survive college. Add in a handful of medical problems, clinicals, (attempting to have a) social life, and it gets busy. We are proud to report that our hard work during our absence paid off. We are now both college graduates, we have a year until we get our master’s degrees, and we are both at the moment doing as well as we can do medically. All in all, we are pretty happy with where we are in our lives at the moment and decided that in our newly discovered free time we could start up the blog. A brief update on Nemo: It’s been a busy year. I have been through 12 surgeries in the past year (mostly occurring between August-December of 2018) in order to place a feeding tube for gastroparesis. Long story short, I now have a J-tube and receive medi...