When People Don't Know What is "Wrong" With You (Bald Edition)
It gets really hard to keep track of who knows what concerning my medical condition. I never know who knows the whole story, or who is in the dark. This makes life a little bit more difficult. If you didn’t already know, I (Tremors) am kinda bald. By kinda, I mean that I do have some hair, but it’s patchy and does not stick around long (and it’s super short). (Just ask Nemo, she looks for shapes in the patches)
Now, since I am in my own dorm room, my bathroom is connected to another room where two people I had not met before live. So, they naturally did not know that their new bathroom buddy is a bald twenty-something girl. This means that they believe they can get away with certain things. They currently think that they can claim that the hairballs in the shower can’t possibly be theirs. Or that the hair scattered across the floor must be mine, because if it was theirs it would be picked up ASAP. Let me tell you, no one wants to pick up the hairballs. And the bald girl REALLY doesn’t want to pick up your hairballs. 1) Because it’s gross 2) Because it’s not mine (and I can easily prove it)
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, but what if they don’t know you are bald. Well, to that I reply, I don’t exactly hide it. I wear a wig to class most of the time, but when I am not in class I am most likely not wearing a wig. There are some days where I decide to wear a wig, but it’s mostly when I think it is too hot to wear a beanie, or when I don’t think that a beanie goes well with my outfit, or it is too hot to be wearing a beanie. Other than that, I am wearing my beanie without a care in the world. Again, you might be thinking that might not be obvious enough. Let me tell you, these beanies fit my head snugly, and there is no bump from a bun, or any hair sticking out of the beanie. They have also been in my room when my wig was on my dresser, and not on my head (I was wearing a beanie).
About the wig now. It’s a really nice wig. It’s human hair, and looks very convincing on. Now comes the awkward part of being the bald girl in the wig. People come up and compliment you on your “beautiful hair” and you want to burst out laughing. Usually, if it ends in “Thank you, it’s not mine. It’s a wig,” or an awkward redirect. The redirect happening if it’s someone comments and you really hate to break it to them. I’ve had people ask me what I do to my hair, if I recently dyed my hair, if I did something different, and just about any other question that does not include asking if it is a wig. Personally, it is entertaining to see people figure out that I am wearing a wig. It leads to some awkwardness, sure, but it’s pretty funny. Apparently they don’t notice me with hair on one minute, and the next bald under a beanie.
Sometimes people are just a bit clueless. I mean, blaming the hairballs on the bald girl isn’t the best idea. I understand that it is a bit difficult to understand medical conditions. However, people still have difficulty. But please, if you are living with someone who is bald, please know that they know the long hair in the drain is not theirs.
To everyone going through something similar to this we understand how annoying it can be and
-Nemo, Tremors and Secret Agent Puppy
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