When People Don't Know What is "Wrong" With You (Bald Edition)
It gets really hard to keep track of who knows what concerning my medical condition. I never know who knows the whole story, or who is in the dark. This makes life a little bit more difficult. If you didn’t already know, I (Tremors) am kinda bald. By kinda, I mean that I do have some hair, but it’s patchy and does not stick around long (and it’s super short). (Just ask Nemo, she looks for shapes in the patches) Now, since I am in my own dorm room, my bathroom is connected to another room where two people I had not met before live. So, they naturally did not know that their new bathroom buddy is a bald twenty-something girl. This means that they believe they can get away with certain things. They currently think that they can claim that the hairballs in the shower can’t possibly be theirs. Or that the hair scattered across the floor must be mine, because if it was theirs it would be picked up ASAP. Let me tell you, n...