Everybody Loves a Service Dog

Pretty much everyone loves dogs. It is a fact that very few people can resist the face of a cute puppy when seen on the street. Now, we believe this cuteness factor is heightened when this dog is a service dog. 1) It’s cute 2) It has an outfit 3) It has a job 4) It can wear cute things like hats or shoes (in addition to the vest) People stare and whisper constantly about how cute Secret Agent Puppy is. Let’s be real, he kinda has a fan club on campus. Our class (and professors) gets excited over the simplest things such as him wearing a raincoat, or him wearing a holiday themed bandana. We aren’t trying to say that he isn’t cute, what we are saying is that it is unbelievable how many people fall in love with this dog even if they have never met him. People on campus LOVE him and when we say love, we mean LOVE. The grumpiest of professors smile brightly when they see him walk into class. They get even more excited w...