Having a Disability Does NOT Make me Incapable
Both Nemo and I are college students. While Nemo is nearing the end of her medical leave, I (Tremors) have been attending college classes. Now, most would think that being chronically ill, and having a variety of medical problems would greatly limit our abilities. You might even be thinking why are you two even in college? Even if you don’t think that, somebody does. To answer that, we are both stubborn, and decided that we wanted to be able to prove everyone who said we could not do this wrong. Now, our classmates have figured out that something is up with each of us. (Our professors have to be given notices about our accommodations so there are not many secrets) We are not exactly discreet. For example, Nemo has a service dog, and I show up around campus bald under a beanie. We have both had to take medications during class, and have both had to miss classes to take a quick trip to the hospital. Most would think that we would be bar...